(25) playing with bash autocompletion

Updated: as Blaxter notes, it’s necessary to open a new terminal after editing the bashrc file for the changes to take effect. Also, I’ve replaced the tail -n+2 with the -ss option. Thanks Baron Schwartz! One of the things I’ve been doing lately is doing some cleanup on my laptop. There are two things I’m constantly using on the shell: Open a project folder Connect to a MySQL Database Bash Functions I first made a bash function to help me with the projects paths: ...

2011-03-10 · 3 min · 484 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

Importing times in MySQL

One of the ways to import data into MySQL is using the LOAD DATA INFILE. It is a faster method than recovering from a dump, as it’s raw data instead of SQL sentences. The import time depends on the table engine, for example, MyISAM can be 40 times faster than Innodb. Let’s benchmark this: Preparation I’m gonna make some benchmarking using MySQL 5.1.36 (64 bits MacOS X). I’ll need a big table, so I’ll take City from the World Database and create a huge table called “city_huge”: ...

2009-07-29 · 3 min · 520 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

MySQL Conference 2009: I'm speaking

This wenesday I’ll be at the MySQL Conference & Expo 2009 as speaker :): koke and me will show how ANSTE can be used to test the MySQL Cluster. ANSTE is a testing tool for complex scenarios. It allows to run tests loading some virtual machines, configuring it’s network interfaces and runing some scripts on them.

2009-04-20 · 1 min · 56 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada
Warp Talks

First Warp Talks

2009 Starts quite interesantly. This Monday took place the first Warp Talks, a project of training between employees at Warp Networks. The last Monday of the month will take place a new Warp Talk. koke and me where the first speakers. I made an introduction to subversion, and he did a talk about 10 things you might not know about MySQL. Koke took a camera and recorded our talks at the same time they were being broadcasted at justin.tv. Videos are available at vimeo (spanish): ...

2009-01-30 · 1 min · 86 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

MySQL Customer Conferences @ London 2008

After my awful Drunken-Blogging experiment, i’m gonna try to write a real post. This Thursday, Koke and me attended the MySQL Conference at London. Talks were customer oriented, that’s great for me as I’m used to a developer vision of MySQL, and i’ll have to talk to customers in training sessions. There was some things that everyone was repeating on every talk. Replication, backup, high availability and sacalbility. I’m sure that I’ll be asked about those things while training. ...

2008-10-25 · 1 min · 183 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada