I'm twitting again
Yeah!! Twitter have reactivated my account :D. Good news!! I’ve written a patch for my wordpress theme and now it reads the caption from twitter :D. I still have to fix some performance problems, but… here it goes: require_once 'XML/Feed/Parser.php'; $feeds = fopen('http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/26378338.atom','r'); $source = ""; if ($feeds) { while ($s = fread($feeds, 1024)) { $source .= $s; } } $feed = new XML_Feed_Parser($source,false,true,true); $first_entry = $feed->getEntryByOffset(0); $title = $first_entry->title; $little_title = substr($title, 13, 30); $little_title .= (strlen($title) > 43) ? '...' : ''; print "<a href=\"http://www.twitter.com/capitangolo\">$little_title</a>"; Updated: Thanks to: http://remysharp.com/2007/05/18/add-twitter-to-your-blog-step-by-step/. Now my tweets are loaded by javascript, so my blog loads much fast :D. ...