Web Frameworks

Java is a great language, but if you have ever tested any scripting language like PHP, Ruby, node.js, you know Java is… Over Engineered. You have to write lots of code for anything. Big configuration files, use of application servers, too many classes to perform simple tasks, no support for Collections literals, etc… Because of that, and before I knew the world beyond java, I started Blaapps (Bery Lol AAplication Server). A very lightweight application server minded for speed up development of web apps. ...

2012-12-02 · 4 min · 730 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

(25) playing with bash autocompletion

Updated: as Blaxter notes, it’s necessary to open a new terminal after editing the bashrc file for the changes to take effect. Also, I’ve replaced the tail -n+2 with the -ss option. Thanks Baron Schwartz! One of the things I’ve been doing lately is doing some cleanup on my laptop. There are two things I’m constantly using on the shell: Open a project folder Connect to a MySQL Database Bash Functions I first made a bash function to help me with the projects paths: ...

2011-03-10 · 3 min · 484 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

Blaapps 0.5.0 Released

After 21 months of sporadic work, I’ve finished the application for my “Thesis”. Today I’m proud to announce the release of Blaapps Application Framework version 0.5.0. I’ve done lots of work transforming rudder Application Server, a previous project, into an Application Framework. The Kernel of Blaapps is based on core Subsystems. Two of them are the most important: Deployer Messaging The Deployer reads components called Modules, and loads them into memory. Modules are like plugins, hot plug-gable extensions to the application. ...

2009-08-24 · 2 min · 252 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

I'm twitting again

Yeah!! Twitter have reactivated my account :D. Good news!! I’ve written a patch for my wordpress theme and now it reads the caption from twitter :D. I still have to fix some performance problems, but… here it goes: require_once 'XML/Feed/Parser.php'; $feeds = fopen('http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline/26378338.atom','r'); $source = ""; if ($feeds) { while ($s = fread($feeds, 1024)) { $source .= $s; } } $feed = new XML_Feed_Parser($source,false,true,true); $first_entry = $feed->getEntryByOffset(0); $title = $first_entry->title; $little_title = substr($title, 13, 30); $little_title .= (strlen($title) > 43) ? '...' : ''; print "<a href=\"http://www.twitter.com/capitangolo\">$little_title</a>"; Updated: Thanks to: http://remysharp.com/2007/05/18/add-twitter-to-your-blog-step-by-step/. Now my tweets are loaded by javascript, so my blog loads much fast :D. ...

2009-04-29 · 1 min · 105 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

gems - Terminal Broadcasting

We had a issue for the next Warp Talk. All the talk will be done with a shell as presentation tool. But people won’t see the text on the shell trough the cam, as it resolution is limited. Isaac have found vía Debian package of the day Gems. Gems allows exactly what we need, broadcast a terminal by tcp/ip. Screen would be the first thought, but a ssh connection from unknown people was needed :S. ...

2009-02-19 · 1 min · 157 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada

Apache Authentication with eBox openLDAP

I’m using eBox to manage my server. eBox was mind for enterprise networks, but dns and email modules are very useful for a internet server. eBox manages email users with openLDAP (slapd), so I wanted all the services in my server to use the same authentication. This is the general configuration for apache authenticating with eBox, wich I use for my SVN repositories: # LDAP Authentication & Authorization is final; do not check other databases AuthzLDAPAuthoritative on # Do basic password authentication in the clear AuthType basic AuthBasicProvider ldap # The name of the protected area or "realm" AuthName "Triangulo de las merluzas Subversion Repositories" # Active Directory requires an authenticating DN to access records # This is the DN used to bind to the directory service # This is an Active Directory user account AuthLDAPBindDN "cn=admin,dc=ebox" # This is the password for the AuthLDAPBindDN user in Active Directory AuthLDAPBindPassword "secret" # Group Configuration AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN off AuthLDAPGroupAttribute memberUid # The LDAP query URL AuthLDAPURL "ldap://localhost:389/ou=Users,dc=ebox?uid" # Require authentication for this Location. # In this case, only developers can use the repository. Require ldap-group cn=developers,ou=Groups,dc=ebox

2009-01-31 · 1 min · 184 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada