
Goodbye Workshop

Today, after 6 years, I returned the keys to the space where we spent so many great times. There have been dreams, hard work, fun moments, and above all, so many good memories. It’s a bit of a bittersweet moment for me. On one hand, it’s the end of a chapter, but on the other, we hadn’t been using the workshop for some time, and it was too much expense to keep it up. ...

2024-11-04 · 12 min · 2450 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada
9 Myths About HIV and AIDS

9 Myths About HIV and AIDS

Today, December 1st, is World AIDS Day. A month ago, one of my friends tested positive for HIV. The news hit him like a ton of bricks. When he told me, he thought his life was over. As I tried to reassure him, I realized that I would also be terrified if I were in his position. And not for any specific reason—just because I knew so little about the disease and had so many doubts. Doubts lead to fear; fear leads to anger… you get the idea. ...

2015-12-01 ·  2024-12-01 · 8 min · 1683 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada
2012-11-04 My brother's birthday / The Assault

2012-11-04 My brother's birthday / The Assault

Tomorrow is my brother’s birthday, we celebrated it today with my brothers, parent’s and grandma at “ Mery Limón”. Uff, I cannot move. I’m drunk, and full. Good food, some dishes were strange, but that’s the deal with experimental cooking. Good wine! This photo corresponds to a wall near to the restaurant. Once a year there’s a competition in Zaragoza, the “Asalto” (assault). Wall painters from around the world come to Zaragoza and leave their art on the walls of the city. ...

2012-11-04 · 1 min · 128 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada


Hi! I’m between the sad sensation of belonging the thirth world, and the good one of making this world better. Too much people have meet me like a big drunken dude. Please, watch the world to see that things does look like they are. Thanks to that great training dude that listen to koke and me. Thanks to the people that came to the free software day in zgz. Thanks to that dudes from poland and swedden. They made me believe in a better world. ...

2008-10-24 · 1 min · 85 words · Víctor Jiménez Cerrada